
Fiftythree´s Paper and MindMapping

In my latest post I talked about a famous applcation named Evernote and how we can approach this application in order to enhance our mindmapping experience. This time I would like to talk a little bit about a fantastic drawing tool (Fiftythree's Paper), it is an awesome application if you like to draw anytime, anywhere. I commonly use it in my iPad to draw everything around. This application can be used also to make handmade mindmaps by using its fantastic drawing capabilities in terms of colors, pen's variety and many possibilities to express yourself in a grafic way. What you can see in this post it is a picture of a mindmap made using Paper. It is contradictory and tricky but it is also a way to make software handmade mindmaps, so we will have to remake our previous mindmapping distintions: handmade and software-made. This distinction makes no sense whatsoever.