Vic Gee ( has developed a major enhacement in the referred web page, with a fresh approach.
It turns out to be either a place to find and share information about different interests or a place for crowdsourcing.
It seems a very interesting inniative to follow.
Vic´s Picks
A powerful combination
To those of you music lovers and specifically if you´re a Spotify user, the combination of this lovely application and mindmapping software could be suitable enough to organize your preferrable music.
In my particular case I love classical music and I have taken advantage of Spotify and XMind (thanks for allowing me to test your Beta 3 portable) to classify the music I love the most, with visual enhacements (links to web pages, notes and so on).
Here you can access the map.
Mindmapping and investments
I was challenged by a friend of mine about how to use mindmapping to keep track about his investments, mostly in securities and funds. He thinks he will be able to take better decissions by having visual and updated information about every specific portion of his investment.
I did the best I could with the information I got.
I will come back later to explain the results and experiences of this experiment.