
iMindMap 5

Thanks to Tony Buzan Ltd, I have just received recently a beta test version of iMindMap 5. After testing it for some days, I would say is an amazing software to walk on the mindmapping software world.
Talking about new features in this particular version (some major enhancements comparing with iMindMap 4 version):
- 3D view and presentation posibilities (Awesome!!!)
A better and superb improvement in terms of visualization and really cool to test it and to use it.
- Easiness for filtering possibilities.
All of us who really use mindmapping software in the daily work with our heavily loaded maps, we know for sure the usefulness of the filtering possibilities.
In this particular case these filtering possibilities are really improved.
- Enhanced for online storage and collaboration
That is a key in today´s outlook in terms of mindmapping software and it turns out to be mastered in this new release.
Summing up a new version of this widely spread software, with much more possibilities, taking mindmapping software to a further step.



Mindmaps repositories are a very good tool to get fresh and different ideas about mindmapping styles. In this particular world Biggerplate turns out to be a really fantastic tool to analyze deeply.
This kind of repositories are useful either if you use mindmapping constantly in your normal life or if you are a rookie.
Thanks to Liam Hughes I have been checking the repository out and I have seen the easiness you upload your maps, the possibility to explore the map you pick with the MindManager viewer and the Miniprofiles if you want to popularize your profile or your site in social networks.
Summing up an extraordinary tool to work with.