
What is about me and my blog on the Web

I am pretty sure you already know about this particular mindmanager feature to make Google searches within a map.
I have made a very simple usage of this feature to make two particular searches: one about me and the other one about my blog (which, of course, is all yours).
These two searches have showed me that Mindmanager could be a very interesting tool in order to determine and classify the Web impacts you get from some specific Internet action you want to make.
Of course you can get the draw in flickr.com.


Upgrading my resume

These summer days I´ve been working with my resume. I have taken it our from linkedin and I have polished it up to get a brand new one.
I have always thought that a visual resume provides more information than the written one, specially in those cases where you don´t have enough time to dedicate.


Managing work with MindMapping

I am pretty sure this procedure that I am ready to explain, is not the best in class, but it is the one that works suitably for me.
It is my personal answer to the question, how do I deal with the large amount of tasks, which I am responsible for?
My answer to this questions is composed of different linked mindmaps:
#1 called Activities Framework
It is the root map composed of two diffent parts.
The link part contains links to the different folders, files, mails, appointments in calendar, contacts,... which I require to do my job and also for my personal issues.
The right part contains access to the different maps, where the taks are evolving. I could be able to reach any task in any year, and in any quarter and in any week.
#2 called Taks
You can access from Activities Framework.
Whenever a new task come up, it is included inside. This task is inmediatly added to a customer or to personal diretory and it is categorized with follow-ups icons, deadlines, responsibles and so on, so it can be suitably filtered after to keep track of it.
The different tasks are there till they are completed, their next step is the Follow-up Map.
#3 called Follow-up
It is composed of the different tasks that are accomplish but they also have to be tracked, because you are not the direct responsible, because these tasks depend on other (let´s consider the case in which you bid to a customer, your task is already done but it is stopped until your customer requires dealing on).
#4 calles Finished
When a task is completed and finished reaches this map.
Is case of bids is when you know its status (won, lost) and you know who was the winner, prices differences and so on.
#5 called Finished LT
Where are store the whole set of completed and finished tasks.
It works as a long-term repository, where you go whenever you require some information from the past.
These are the different steps to successfully accomplish the great amount of tasks, which I am direct responsbile for or the ones I must have under control.
If you have some suggestions to improve the procedure, please feel free to contact or to comment.
As most part of my job is related to customers, I used to group up all the tasks related to the customer they are coming from, so I don´t have the complete freedom to show all the different tasks becuase of confidentiality. Unfortunatly, the maps are showed incompleted, but after every maps there are hundreds of tasks.